Theme plugin
This plugin allows creating a set of themes for an object and its children.
For this example Matrix Normal and Boss have no effect, we use only the name of matrices to identify themes. (do not forget you can change the name with a right clic, a name field appears in matrix content).
To switch theme (in code or animation), switch theme1 when value is 1 and theme2 when value is 0.
// get plugin component
var themePlugin = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<ColorMatrixThemePlugin>();
// set next theme
// theme switch with 2s duration
DOTween.To(() => themePlugin.AbsPosition, value => themePlugin.AbsPosition = value, 1f, 2f);
Theme condition plugin
A Theme condition override the default inherit to get the first ColorMatrix with a theme plugin in parents. (if not found it takes the default inheritance)
With this plugin you can control a hidden local ratio of the matrix to apply it or not depending the current theme. Here, if it is not the boss theme, Bowser has a stone effect.
The checkbox color represent the actual selected themes in the ThemePlugin. Green for current, blue for next.
note : This plugin was especially developed for artists who want "During the boss, this stone must be a little more dark" -_-